Friday, November 21, 2008

My first Blog


I can't believe that it took me this long to write a Blog. I have done a few small advertizements on my MySpace, but never a blog about me, for me and only my words.

I want to thank my friend Melanie. I read her blog and it does inspire me. Her words help me get through my days and she has one of my top spots on my prayer list. I hope that my prayers are helping.

Now on to the purpose of the hats...

I wear many hats, some may say TOO many hats...

#1) I am a Wife
#2) I am Mom
#3) I am a La Leche League Leader (I help moms breastfeed their children)
#4) I am a WIC Breastfeeding Peer Counselor (I help Wic moms make a choice to BF)
#5) I am a Girl Scout Troop Mom (I help the girls at the meetings)
#6) I am the Girl Scout Cookie Mom (I will have over 500 cases of cookies in my playroom)
#7) I am an Assistant Organizer for our Meet Up Moms group
#8) I am my dad's only girl and gave him the only 2 grand children
#9) I am sister, I am growing closer to my brother again. Which I am really excited about.
#10) I am Scrapbooker (one of my other passions)
#11) I am the President of the PTO at my daughter's school
#12) I am the President of our local Women's sorority, Beta Sigma Phi
#13) My Husband's lucky number...
#14) I am a babysitter, actually a LA LA, Sarabeth's LA LA. The 20 month old.
#15) I am the Girl Scout Publicity Person too, I am the Paparazzi for the Houma Area.

Okay so now.

I am enjoy being busy, stressed, overwhelmed, unorganized, etc.

I live for it, I beg for it, I can't say no to it.

1 comment:

Mellie said...

Yay for starting a blog!! Susan, I don't know how you keep up with all those hats! I would be so worn out. I will be reading along.